Monday 30 August 2010

A fresh start at 21

So... I have just turned 21. "What next?" is the question I ask myself everyday. 

Are you stuck in a rut like I am because you aren't sure what you're meant to be doing with your life? All of you Uni goers know exactly where you see yourself once you've graduated... But what if, like me, you have never gone to university? 

I got a job as soon as I finished my A Levels, and have had the travel bug ever since! Have been to Australia and New Zealand, but I want more! I think I am too afraid to settle into a three year course, because I just don't know if I want to be in London anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love London, in the summer time! But, I find myself getting depressed in the winter. 

Everyone keeps telling me "you're still young!" but I don't agree! Yes I am young, but I cant be working where I am now any longer. But where do I start? 

I am a people person, and would love to work in the Human Resources department. But I need to study first if I am to work in such a specific area.

Any ideas? 

I would like to hear from anyone who is having a crisis at 21! :P

Goodbye for now!